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How to Give Your Homeschool Files a Spring Cleaning

Before you know it spring will have begun, and your homeschool area may not be in the shape that you want it. For many the winter months can leave homeschool files looking like a tornado has hit it. If you find that your files are overflowing, or not in the order that you would like them to be, a spring cleaning may be in order. Below you will find a few simple ideas, and suggestions that may help you with organizing your school papers.

Sort the papers

Start by taking all of your kids papers, and placing them into one big pile. Then you can divide the papers up by subject. You can break the groups down even more by separating the test papers, from the worksheets. Depending on how many papers you have to be organized this can take you about an hour to sort through.

Keep only what you need

Most public school teachers end up sending a large stack of papers home with their students at the end of each semester. Each state has different requirements when it comes to homeschooling, so check and see what papers you need. Then you can focus on getting rid of the papers you don’t need and only keeping the ones that are necessary.

Teach your kids to file

Spring is a good time to teach your kids to work on their own filing system. This way the files will not be completely unorganized all over again by the summer months. Your can do a basic search online to explore the various file systems. This way you can see which system may work best for you. It may take time for your kids to get used to their new filing system, but it will be worth the effort.

A place for everything

One of the reasons, why things to start cluttering up, and getting messy is because you don’t have a spot for it. If you don’t have a spot for each piece of paper, things will get messy. Instead work on finding a place for everything , and clearly label it. A book shelf works good for organizing files and folders to hold your kids work.

Binders work for homeschooling

When it comes to organizing your homeschooling papers, I have found that binders work really good. You can hole punch your papers, and place dividers in the binder. This is an easy way to keep each child’s school work separate, and neatly organized. You can then place the binders on your book shelf for easy access. Have your child pick which type of binder they want, and then they can even decorate the binder themselves.

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