How to Choose a Life Coach
People choose to work with a life coach and for many reasons, including time management and relationships, with the most popular reason being career guidance and/or business advice. Whatever your reason, there are some guidelines you should know to help you to determine what to look for in a life coach.

• Credibility – Are they a member of a professional program, such as the International Coach Federation (ICF), indicating that they must adhere to professional practice and ethics guidelines? Do they offer a satisfaction guarantee? Do they offer a contract or other type of formal agreement in order to specify expectations for both parties?
• Credentials – Have they been through a professional training program? Do they have professional certification?
• Experience – How much experience do they have as a life coach? How much do they know about the area you are looking for coaching in?
• Consultation – Do they offer a free consultation? This is a great way to see if you have chemistry. Do you feel comfortable with them? Do they listen well? Do you feel like they clearly understand what your goals are? It is important that you trust your life coach and are at ease with them in order to achieve maximum results.
• Testimonials – Will they provide you with references from past clients? If not, or if they only provide you with one or two referrals, it could be a red flag. Hearing about the experience from their previous, or current, clients can help you gain more insight into what to expect.
• Methods – What are their methods like? Do they have an official office? Do they prefer to meet at a place like Starbucks? It’s important that you are comfortable and at ease with the methods of your life coach.
• More self-confidence
• A more balanced life
• Lower levels of stress
• Smarter goal-setting and time management
• Structure and motivation to accomplish your goals
• The cost depends on a number of factors: the length of the sessions, the number of sessions per month, how many months you plan on meeting, the qualifications and experience of the life coach.
• The cost typically ranges from about $250-$500 per month, breaking down to approximately $30 and up per hour.
• Coaching fees are often tax deductible for people who use the coaching as a means to improve business and professional skills.
To work with a life coach is to enter into a trusting, confidential, and supportive relationship that is under your direction, so it important to work with someone that you feel comfortable with, and as an investment in yourself, you will want to work with someone who can help you achieve the results you desire. Don’t be afraid to consult with 2-3 coaches before making a final decision.
As the governing body of profession life coaches, the International Coach Federation is a wonderful resource to use when searching for a qualified life coach.
Anne Fisher, “9 Tips on Finding the Right Career Coach.” CNN Money.
Nancy Colasurdo, “What to Look For in a Life Coach.” Fox Business
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International Coach Federation